The Lee County Development Services department is engaged in many activities to minimize the flooding and pollution that result from storm water run-off. By adopting and enforcing ordinances, working with the development community, increasing public awareness and involvement, our goal is keep our water ways safe for everyone.

Stormwater Management Ordinance

Lee County adopted a Stormwater Management Ordinance in 2005. This ordinance was established to protect storm water quality in Lee County. The Model Stormwater Management Ordinances reflects the ordinances adopted by the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District. The Model Stormwater Management Ordinances proposed for adoption are as follows:

  • Post-development Stormwater Management for new development and redevelopment.
  • Floodplain Management/Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
  • Conservation Subdivision/Open Space Development Ordinance
  • Illicit Discharge and Illegal Connection Ordinance
  • Litter Control Ordinance

Public Education & Participation

Recognizing that the most effective ways to protect our water quality is through pollution prevention, Lee County has a variety of information and educational programs designed to encourage environmentally responsible behavior at home, school, and work.

Programs and activities proposed to be sponsored and or promoted by Lee County, include:

Adopt-A-Stream Program

The Adopt-A-Stream Program promotes stream cleanup by getting community members involved in the cleanup efforts. The program provides an opportunity for community members and groups to take ownership of their streams and keep the streams free from litter and other pollutants. In addition to cleanup activities, the program promotes public awareness and understanding related to watershed management and non-point pollution control.

Program elements Lee County would like to implement in our Adopt-A-Stream program, include:

  • Rivers Alive: For many of Georgia’s waterways, a good trash cleanup is the first step towards creating a cleaner aquatic environment. A stream cleanup removes potential pollution sources in and around the stream.
  • Stream Survey: This will uncover potential pollution sources. By visually surveying the waterways, we will be looking for things such as sewage overflow points, storm water management issues, wildlife impact, and channelized sections of the stream, among other possible problems. The data collected will also help Lee County to improve the water quality in the creeks.
  • Tree Planting: Protect existing trees and promote planting new trees and shrubbery to help maintain and restore a healthy creek environment. Trees and shrubs along stream banks prevent erosion by slowing storm water runoff. Trees provide food and cover for wildlife. When trees and shrubbery are replaced by impervious surfaces, water quality begins to decline.

Educational Programs

  • Focus on water quality of impacted streams
  • Provide compliance information on storm water management
  • Provide storm drain curb markers to be applied to catch basins
  • Distribution of fact sheets and flyers in utility bills, provide brochures, and public education.

Partnership Programs

To help promote the Adopt-A-Stream program, Storm Drain Curb Marker Program, and the Public Education and Information Program, Lee County staff will seek the involvement of area businesses as partners of our programs.

Corporate participation promotes the following benefits within the community:

  • Helps spread the message about stormwater and non-point source pollution.
  • Helps heighten the awareness by reaching the masses.
  • Partnerships with companies can help establish a learning environment where employees
  • Can benefit from environmentally friendly practices.
  • Can help to be a “solution to water pollution”.
  • Good public relations.
  • Recognition in the community and in newspapers.
  • An outlet for community involvement.
  • Adds to corporate value and attract more investors (if a public company).

If you are interested in learning more about a listed program or want to volunteer in a program, please contact the Code Enforcement department.

Contact Information

Phone: (229) 759-6000
Fax: (229) 759-6032

T. Page Tharp Governmental Building
102 Starksville Avenue North
Leesburg, Georgia 31763
Map & Directions

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Stormwater Management Links

Code Enforcement Department
Stormwater Management Department
About Stormwater
Stormwater Program
Ways You Can Help
Stormwater Links
Kid's Corner