The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund, under the direction of the Public Works Director, is responsible for operating the 25.21 acre permitted municipal solid waste landfill that was permanently closed April 8, 1994. The inert waste landfill is the County's only operational landfill and accepts only inert waste material such as leaves, limbs, grass clippings, stumps, and clean concrete for a fee. The landfill convenience center accepts, for a fee, scrap metal, appliances, furniture, and tires. The Solid Waste Fund generates revenue from landfill disposal fees and the sale of scrap metal.

The Lee County Commission has recended the free disposal days as of June 23, 2015. The landfill fees are 4 cents per pound or $80.00 per ton, except for tires.

Landfill Fees / Materials Accepted
Free Electronic Recycling List
How to Dispose of...
Disposal Sites for Rejected Items
Hazardous Materials Not Accepted

Household paints and solvents contain chemicals that can endanger our health and the environment around us if they are not disposed of properly.

How to Solidify Old Paint

Contact Information
Phone: (229) 759-6009

Solid Waste Landfill
759 State Highway 32 East
Leesburg, Georgia 31763
Map & Directions

Monday - Saturday
8:00 am - 3:45 pm

Having trouble finding the Lee County Landfill?