Aspire Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Services

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every other month (February, April, June, August, October, and December) at 4:00 pm at the Aspire Child & Adolescent Clubhouse located at 2500 Dawson Road, Suite 101, Albany, Georgia.

As a public, non-profit organization, Aspire Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Services (also known as Albany Area Community Service Board) is governed by a Board of Directors. Board members are appointed by the respective county commission, and each county has one representative that serves a 3-year term. Counties are eligible for additional members if their population is 100,000. One additional member from Dougherty, Early, and Terrell Counties is also appointed by the Board to address the variation in financial contributions of those counties. The board members govern the provision of disability services within the boundaries of the community service board. Each board member is appointed by their county commission to serve a 3-year term.

Aspire BHDD Services website

Aspire BHDD Services Board

Name Appointing Authority Term Expires
Mike Sabot County 7/31/25

Contact Information
Kay Brooks
Regional Coordinator

Phone: (229) 430-4042

P.O. Box 1988
Albany, Georgia 31702

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm